05 Ene Margara Administrative Record
T/V Margara
Encallamiento de Embarcación Abril de 2006
¿Que pasó?
El 27 de abril de 2006, el petrolero T/V Margara encalló en un arrecife de coral poco profundo cerca de la Bahía de Tallaboa en Puerto Rico. La embarcación se retiró exitosamente del lugar al día siguiente sin fugas de aceite en el agua. Sin embargo, los esfuerzos de respuesta y la remoción del buque causaron daños adicionales significativos al arrecife.
La restauración de emergencia se llevó a cabo en el lugar entre 2006 y 2008. Estas acciones salvaron aproximadamente 10,500 corales y cumplieron con algunas de las restauraciones necesarias en el lugar.
¿Cuáles fueron los impactos?
El encallamiento y las actividades de respuesta subsiguientes resultaron en lesiones significativas al frágil ecosistema de los arrecifes. Las estimaciones preliminares indican que aproximadamente dos acres de arrecife fueron afectados. Varias especies de coral fueron impactadas, incluyendo seis listadas como amenazadas bajo la Ley de Especies en Peligro.
Ship Grounding April 2006
What Happened?
On April 27, 2006, the oil tanker T/V Margara ran aground on a shallow coral reef close to the Bahia de Tallaboa in Puerto Rico. The vessel was successfully removed from the site the following day without leaking oil into the water. However, response efforts and removal of the ship caused significant additional injury to the reef.
Emergency restoration was conducted at the site between 2006 and 2008. These actions saved approximately 10,500 corals and addressed some of the restoration needed at the site.
What Were the Impacts?
The grounding and subsequent response activities resulted in significant injury to the fragile reef ecosystem. Preliminary estimates indicate that approximately two acres of reef were affected. Several species of coral were impacted, including six listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.
Margara Administrative Record*
*(Todos los documentos están en formato de Adobe PDF / All the documents are in Adobe Pdf format)
06-02-2006 Draft emergency restoration assessment work plan from Continental Shelf Associates
07-29-2006 Margara ESA Emergency Consultation
09-11-2006 NMFS SERO response to Margara ESA Emergency Consultation
09-2006 Final Emergency Restoration Strategy, from Continental Shelf Associates
10-30-2006 Graphical depiction of the extraction provided by Capt Paul Simpson
FINAL For Immediate Release May-15 DRAFT
NOI Margara Restoration Planning March 2013
Site Restoration Alternatives for Biological Recovery
Trustee RP October 3 2006 Meeting Decision Points
Trustees Forgoe use of EcoReefs in ER with email to CSA
TV Margara Grounding Restoration Recommendation
Wave Data and Reef Repair Stability Analysis
Margara Final Primary Restoration Plan & Environmental Assessment
Margara 990-26 Notice of ER 11-05-06
Margara Midcourse Notice Oct 30 2007
Margara Public Notice 05-09-2015
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