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Volkswagen Diesel Emission Environmental Mitigation Trust – Mitigation Plan

Volkswagen Diesel Emission Environmental Mitigation Trust

State Mitigation Plan


Pursuant to the VW Mitigation Trust, the Government of Puerto Rico is required to prepare, submit and make publicly available a beneficiary mitigation plan to the trustee before the trustee distribute funds to state. The Environmental Mitigation Trust Agreement for State Beneficiaries specifies that the following issues be addressed in the Mitigation Plan:


    • The state’s overall goal for the use of the funds;
    • The categories of Eligible Mitigation Actions that the state anticipates will be appropriate to achieve the stated goals, and the preliminary assessment of the percentages of funds anticipated to be used for each type of Eligible Mitigation Action;
    • A description of how the state will consider the potential beneficial impact of the selected Eligible Mitigation Actions on air quality in areas that bear a disproportionate share of the air pollution burden within its jurisdiction;
    • A general description of the expected ranges of emission benefits that the state estimates would be realized by implementation of the Eligible Mitigation Actions identified in the Mitigation Plan; and
    • An explanation of how the state will seek and consider public input on its Mitigation Plan.


The mitigation plan is available for public comments and review.  Follow the link to see the Puerto Rico Mitigation Plan. This Plan is intended to provide the public a general vision for use of the mitigation funds and information about potential specific uses for which funding is expected to be requested. This Plan does not create any binding or rights in any person to claim an entitlement of any kind.


The Puerto Rico Environmental Board request input the public seeking comments and suggestions for NOx mitigation projects that would be utilize fund efficiently and reduce NOx emission island wide.  PREQB will consider all comments, suggestions or project proposals submitted to the following e-mail address:  Comments to the Mitigation Plans and responses will be published in this webpage.


Questions or comments related to VW Mitigation Trust contact .