Document Actions


  1. Question about the organization

    1. Where is your organization based?
      (Please indicate city or municipality name)

    1. On behalf of which organization are you making a response?





    1. Which roles best describe your organization?
      (If more than one, grade your response, with 1 for closest ties)

Local government


Private consultancy

Non Governmental Organization

Community base

Federal Agency


  1. Access to the Internet

We want to know if people of your organization have access to Internet or the tools to communicate electronically. This will help us to identify how organizations can access digital information services.

    1. What access to the Internet is available for the members/staff?
      (please tick appropriate options)


Permanent connection, in office from each desk

Permanent connection, on communal computer

Modem, from some desks

Modem, on communal computer

Individually from their homes

Don’t Know


    1. Which of these services can members/staff use?
      (please tick one option for each service)


World Wide Web (Internet)

On-line file transfer programs

Don’t Know


    1. What browser does your organization use to access the WWW, and what version (if known)?

Microsoft Internet Explorer:



Don’t Know


    1. Does your organization feel that the Internet (external e-mail, Web etc.) is useful to its activities?



Don’t know

Additional Comments:

  1. Accessing digital datasets and spatial data sets of Vieques in relation to human, economic or environmental dimensions.

We want to know if your organization makes use of digital data and spatial data of Vieques related to human, economic or environmental dimensions, and how your organization obtains this data. Even if you do not obtain information in digital format at present, please go through this section.

    1. Does your organization make use or are planning to use data of Vieques related to:
      (Please select all that applies)

Yes we use

We Plan to use

Agriculture and food

Atmosphere and Climate

Economics indicators

Biodiversity and Protected Areas

Coastal, Marine, and Inland Waters

Population, Health, and Human Development

Urban Data

Property Parcel Data

Do not use any of this data


    1. Does your organization make use or are planning to use spatial data of Vieques like:
      (Please select all that applies)

Yes we use

We Plan to use


Cadastral maps

Administrative boundaries

Vegetation maps

Soil maps

Geology maps

Population maps

Tourism maps

Aerial photos

Satellites images

Do not use spatial data


    1. What other data are you likely to want to use?

    1. What type of source would you like use to access the data listed in question 3.1 and question 3.2:
      (Please select all that applies)

Download from Web Page

Download from Web Page using file transfers protocol (ftp)

E-mail attachment



    1. What prevents your organization from using digital data more?
      (tick those that apply)

Lack of hardware/software

Lack of Information Technology advice

Lack of interoperability/heterogeneity

Lack of quality

Data we want are not available

Too difficult to convert

Lack of need

Worried about copyright


Do not use any source of data

Didn't know they were available


    1. For what aspects of its work does your organisation currently use digital data?

    1. How would you like to use digital data in your organisation, in the future?

    1. What is your opinion on this statement?

Strongly Agree


Neither agree or disagree


Strongly disagree

Being able to access digital datasets in a digital format would be helpful to support projects for the sustainable development of Vieques.

  1. Use of spatial technologies and survey

We want to know if your organization is involved in the use of spatial technologies.

Geospatial technologies are the tools used to acquire, store, analyze, and distribute data that are referenced to the earth by a real-world coordinate system, as well as the sciences that study these issues. Specific technologies include geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing, Global Positioning System (GPS) and land survey applications.

    1. Is the organization/ institution involved in the use of spatial technologies, like:
      (Please select all that applies)

Geographic Information Systems (GIS )

Digital Image Processing

Global Positioning Systems (GPS)

Land surveying

Do not use any spatial technology


    1. Have you use any of this technologies with information related to Vieques
      (Please select all that applies)

Yes with GIS

Yes with Digital Image Processing

Yes collect information of Vieques using GPS

Yes collect information of Vieques using survey

Do not use any spatial technology


  1. Study or research related to Vieques

We want to know if your organization have conducted, is currently conducting or is planning to conduct any research or projects related to the municipality of Vieques. This information will help identify data sets and information that could be share between organizations.

    1. Is your organization have conducted, is currently conducting or is planning to conduct a study or research related to Vieques environment?

Yes we have conducted (in the past)

Yes we are currently conducting

No, but we are planning to

No at all

    1. What is the title of the project or research?

Do not have a title yet

    1. Can you give a brief description of the project or research?

    1. Was there any new data created and/or digitized for this project?



    1. If yes, would you be willing to share this data with other organizations/ institutions conducting research or projects related to Vieques?



    1. Please describe any newly created/digitized data sets used:

    1. Please state the software used?

    1. Please check which category(s) you think this work falls under:




Land Use/Agriculture



Do not use spatial data


  1. Contact Information

We may be following this questionnaire with further interviews. Please indicate here if you would be willing to participate in this further exercise:







